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WISH A Whole Scholar
Approach to Education

WISH Academy SSC Meeting

WISH Academy SSC Meeting
8/23/2018, 4:30 PM 6:00 PM

The WCA School Site Council for WISH Community School and WISH Academy is a collaborative body through which the 12 members, consisting of parents, students, teachers, administrators, and staff of the WISH Community School/ WISH Academy, fulfill the mission of the school and the goals of the Charter. 

The School Site Council: 
  • Promotes a cooperative and positive effort among teachers, students, school administrators, parents, and staff to ensure the achievement of the Program goals and to develop the best possible educational program at WISH.
  • Assesses educational needs and establishes priorities with the object of encouraging each student to realize his or her maximum potential.
  • Identifies the use of resources needed to implement the educational program.
  • Establishes budgetary priorities involving the use of all discretionary funds and participates in the development of the Local Control and Accountability Plan.
  • Evaluates the overall effectiveness of the program, and how it is administered and makes recommendations for improvements.
  • Establishes committees and/or task forces to implement the business of the School Site Council and to facilitate their functioning.
  • Creates a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The School Site Council is responsible for the development, annual review, and update of this plan. The content of the SPSA shall be aligned with goals for improving student achievement and address how funds will be used to improve academic performance. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the instructional program will be based on an analysis of verifiable student data and annual updates will reflect the appropriate modifications to the program. 

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